by Ozymandias
Once again with the deflection. My last question was clarifying your previous answer.
I asked, firstly, "So, all of this is about his spelling mistakes and grammar?".
Your reply to this was "Absolutely. Now let's go grab a pint and have some laughs."
To clarify this petty answer, I again asked the question, "All that you have brought up, originally a topic of conversation that had a discussion going, you have cleared and stopped because you objected to his spelling mistakes and grammatical errors?".
Now you change your answer from "Absolutely" to "Sorry, I didn't stop the conversation, made a comment and you and Sprog commented back. So, it was a three way conversation stopper."
Absolutely changes to that. Okay, thanks for that reply. It has clarified some things for me. I need to go and do something right this moment, I will be back in due course, thanks again for that clarification.