Re: Memellander [Memel] Vs. Alpha~Omega [A~O]

lol go slash...woot woot

However i dont think he even mentioned the fact of who started this war. If all your members were not prepared to get hit Memel, then maybe declaring war was..illadivised.
take my love, take my land, but you can't take the sky from me

Re: Memellander [Memel] Vs. Alpha~Omega [A~O]

lakarin, knuf and rawgame has left the memel? so whos in charge of the memell alliance now ??

nah, that lakarin declare a war and force us to join them, and now he's QUIT :lol: :lol:
this is so annoying.

en emmissary of great what ?? pardon me, i forgot of great what ?
may be an emissary of great shame :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
sorry i cant help my self to :lol: :lol:

Re: Memellander [Memel] Vs. Alpha~Omega [A~O]

Who is leader of memel now?
I dont wanna keep bashing peeps who maybe didnt even wanna start a war with us.
So please speak fast before more attacks hit you up.
We have grown stronger .One thing Memel didnt know is that I have a lot of friends in this game and they will join me if any strong Alliance will try to destroy A~O and force us to join them.
We are not kids and we dont have any heart feelings for those who take down our fleets if we forget to fleetsave or something happens IRL and we leave our fleet somewhere for anyone to recycle,if we did we should stop playing this game and probing peeps cause thats what this game is all about.Bashing our low level member and trying to force us to join your alliance is another thing.In the end its a game "cmon guys....."

Re: Memellander [Memel] Vs. Alpha~Omega [A~O]

valadeva wrote:lakarin, knuf and rawgame has left the memel? so whos in charge of the memell alliance now ??

nah, that lakarin declare a war and force us to join them, and now he's QUIT :lol: :lol:
this is so annoying.

en emmissary of great what ?? pardon me, i forgot of great what ?
may be an emissary of great shame :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
sorry i cant help my self to :lol: :lol:

I hope everyone will leave Memellander as i asked to do that(i think everyone would do the same) since Slash declared that he will destroy every member of Memel.. They are not able to protect theyr selfs from him..

And not Lakarin declared war or forced you to join Memel .. it was me.. and i am in charge of Memel like i was from begining..

Till i am here war is not over..

Re: Memellander [Memel] Vs. Alpha~Omega [A~O]

Congrats to all the A-O ers that Fleet Saved last night. I admit I got a little bit jealous of Slash reading about all that tasty DF he acquired. Though I have scanned some of you in the past and you were not fleet saving, the many I scanned last night were. It seems like your partnership with Slash is really paying off in dividends.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: Memellander [Memel] Vs. Alpha~Omega [A~O]

Khan wrote:Congrats to all the A-O ers that Fleet Saved last night. I admit I got a little bit jealous of Slash reading about all that tasty DF he acquired. Though I have scanned some of you in the past and you were not fleet saving, the many I scanned last night were. It seems like your partnership with Slash is really paying off in dividends.
As I said most of us only started playing this game 1 month ago or so,and most of us never played games of this kind.Its good to know my mates are fleetsaving finally cause u know how many times I said that in the past month? lol you wouldn't.

Re: Memellander [Memel] Vs. Alpha~Omega [A~O]

Svajus wrote:
valadeva wrote:lakarin, knuf and rawgame has left the memel? so whos in charge of the memell alliance now ??

nah, that lakarin declare a war and force us to join them, and now he's QUIT :lol: :lol:
this is so annoying.

en emmissary of great what ?? pardon me, i forgot of great what ?
may be an emissary of great shame :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
sorry i cant help my self to :lol: :lol:

I hope everyone will leave Memellander as i asked to do that(i think everyone would do the same) since Slash declared that he will destroy every member of Memel.. They are not able to protect theyr selfs from him..

And not Lakarin declared war or forced you to join Memel .. it was me.. and i am in charge of Memel like i was from begining..

Till i am here war is not over..
We have gathered for a single purpose; control. Control of all who exist within the universe, we shall strike them down from their thrones and make them beg for mercy, but none shall we give them until they submit. If in trouble please inform us, we will smite any opponent if capable.
-Emissary Lakarin

I realy though Lakarin was Memel leader....So Svajus why are you so stubborn...cmon you know memel members retained heavy looses more than we did and I assure you it wasnt only slash who did that.You must have realy pissed up slash in the past or over something cause he wouldnt have joined forces with us.Cmon surrender it is not fun bashing an almost destroyed alliance.Its not a challenge at all :(...its just a cleansing.Please consider the surrender,loosing is part of the game.

Re: Memellander [Memel] Vs. Alpha~Omega [A~O]

Attacker Rukai [x:xxx:x]

Defender Raven [x:xxx:x]

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 594419 units of Metal, 351320 units of Crystal and 495475 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 10.132.500 units.
The defender has lost a total of 85.255.900 units.
A debris field containing 37.425.540 units of Metal and 19.807.500 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %
Not all DF recovered some thief :evil: took 18 mil :( of it.I dont have enough recyclers lol.
But Im happy with the 37mil I took :)
Report created in 0.00330686569214 seconds

Edit: The thief was Paradox lol I just found that out in our forums :) so all DF went to A~O Yay...
Last edited by Rukai on Fri May 01, 2009 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Memellander [Memel] Vs. Alpha~Omega [A~O]

How can you return with honor after you deserted your fellow member?
Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. ~ John Maxwell

It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war. ~ John F. Kennedy