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Re: Greek the Meek

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:47 pm
by Ozymandias
Is this an idea that would be put forward to players in this server? Rather than a Zorg implemented thing?

Re: Greek the Meek

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:52 pm
by Sprog
mightyoz wrote:Is this an idea that would be put forward to players in this server? Rather than a Zorg implemented thing?
not sure if other servers need any changes...maybe Massacre point protection should be a lot higher to start with anyway......but Extreme is the main one for certain players to exploit protection rule by "hiding" there despite playing for well over a year now....

No: 0

Re: Greek the Meek

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:03 pm
by Pulsar
I like the essence of the concept, but it really needs to be flushed out more fully... If the suggestion is JUST a time limit, I'm going to have to say no, and I would ask others to reconsider based on the logistics of this as well. A skilled player who joins (or re-joins) the game is not going to want to wait 3-6 months before they are able to attack the majority of players in the game... This suggestion may keep around casual players for longer and will prevent "super-noobs," but it will not encourage skilled players to stick around... they will get bored as they quickly run out of targets. For this reason, if a time limit protection were implemented, I would suggest allowing players to voluntarily exit protection at any time, whenever they feel they are ready. Protection automatically expires after the time limit, but if you want to exit beforehand, you can.

Also, there really needs to be a way to allow moonshots from stronger players for players in protection.... the more protection increases, the bigger this issue is...

P.S. I don't think any of this will really fix the biggest underlying problems on Xtreme... the completely insurmountable power gap which leaves skilled players feeling hopeless and frustrated... THIS is the biggest reason why competitive (rather than new or casual) players leave Xtreme.

Re: Greek the Meek

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:32 pm
by Ozymandias
Sprog wrote:
mightyoz wrote:Is this an idea that would be put forward to players in this server? Rather than a Zorg implemented thing?
not sure if other servers need any changes...maybe Massacre point protection should be a lot higher to start with anyway......but Extreme is the main one for certain players to exploit protection rule by "hiding" there despite playing for well over a year now....

No: 0
If it is indeed a thing Zorg would change then that would be the way to go.

We tried and got agreement between the bigger players/alliances to leave new players alone and to let them grow. It worked for about a week. Those new players who had the benefit of being left to grow started to take advantage. The other problem for this proposal would be, you always have the players like Geek who would try to take advantage of the situation.

If it was a Zorg thing, that would be the way to go. Recently the new player protection in Standard was raised from a meagre 10k points to an unprecedented 1 million points. There is perhaps one downside to this, moonshots from the bigger players to the smaller players. We can't do it. That is the only problem. If Xtreme and Speed were to have this new protection level, then those new players would be given a fairer chance. Not so much as Standard as it's easier to accumulate points in these other servers, but any help would be better than what seems to be happening now.

Re: Greek the Meek

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:04 pm
by Gozar
Have to agree with Pulsar on the concept of a player wishing to opted out of protection a valid point raised.....An the player the option to take 3 months or 6 at the start of their game...or just a tick box in game options could be implemented..

No. 0

Re: Greek the Meek

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:46 pm
I come from a war game a lot more brutal than this genre. This game, when you lost it all. Building points (planets)along with your armies and defenses. only thing set was researches. As brutal as that can be, this game only had a 2 week beginners protection and a decade up and still strong with thousands of players in its playerbase. Much more brutal.....hits were not for profit.....hits were to take over their castle and kill players out...still...huge player bases.

If concern is about keeping I dont think plays too much into the formula of a successful game from experience in different types of war games. Zorg is really only game in this genre I play...built some on others just to check out...but face fact...this genre is not that popular. has potential and I would love to see a whole new concept of this genre created into a new server implementing radical new ideas to game play and strategies.

if playerbase is the main concern this is just tip of the iceberg.

I vote yes to reform protection. I disagreed with zorgs implementation of further protection when this issue does not effect more brutal games.

Re: Greek the Meek

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:13 am
by Ozymandias
The fact is, again, Standard, one million point protection now, Raised from 10k. There seems to be a lot more new players staying in the game. So before, 50 players joined the game, 48 eventually, after a short period would leave. It seems that has reduced now to about half.

I think what players need to see is a reward for their efforts. Hence why so many see Standard as so slow. Fleet speeds aside, personally I am happy with the fleet speeds. But the production of resources is way too slow. This is the idea for my server, the one I play in. If players could work, grow, then they might see some point in playing. To be stuck on the same few points for an eternity, checking back to see how things are going, nothing happening, so never checking back in again. Hence why they give up?

Re: Greek the Meek

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 9:53 pm
I wont hold my breath. All games within this genre all end up the same in the end. Greek is just one crash away from losing everything.....Id love to see him keep playing like that. Will never be a threat to me

Re: Greek the Meek

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:39 pm
by Ozymandias
From what I have seen, what he's accused of, his replies. Seems to imply by those responses that what he has been accused of is true. As you said, he will never be a real threat. It seems he can only come out of v mode, hit a newb, return to v mode. What a player. For all his protestations in here, the guy is laughable. We can all laugh at cowards like him.

Re: Greek the Meek

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:59 am
Yep never be a threat. In his case tho, the pain comes once that mistake is made. There always be a fleet around when his is down.... we will always be a threat to him to be wiped all the way down as the true noob he is and enjoy watching a rebuild from less than a 200k account :twisted:

Heres a fun game. Does he quit after his big crash?

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