Half res why?

Well if u attack and the planet has 200k metal you get only 100k. Why is it like this ? Why not make it that you can get the whole 200k ?
Trust is hard to come by.That's why my circle is small and tight. I'm kind of funny about making new friends.

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Re: Half res why?

I've often wondered the same. Perhaps it's to keep the levels up for everyone to partake in the feeding frenzy?

I suppose if it costs you 250k deut to get to a world that only has 200k deut sat, you take 100k, it makes it unprofitable unless you are after the other res in particular. So, you don't launch and it continues building?

That's just my thoughts obviously. But if you were to send a raiding party on spacecraft, in real life if the technology existed, you had the room, then you certainly wouldn't leave it behind would you?

There must be a reason for it, damned if I can figure out why.

Re: Half res why?

Well, since we're discussing this..
I would very much like to raid one planet and get all the res available but also the res on all other planets in the same system whilst the shockwave of my attack destroys all moons (if there are any of course) in that system.
And all that with one attack. That would be so nice.


Re: Half res why?

I think Alduin has said it right. It gives that defender something to rebuild with.

That defender can do one of two things. Learn and rebuild. Or otherwise, rebuild to be re-hit.

If they don't learn then it keeps the food chain going.

Re: Half res why?

http://www.zorgempire.net/forums/viewto ... f=7&t=7728

or if your lazy
Zorg wrote:4 reasons to leave it as it is:
-Most of the time, more than 1 players feed from the same inactive. Keeping as it is, helps for a more fair looting and dispersal among attacking players.
-In case an inactive becomes active, it would be good to find something (better than nothing)
-Can create confusion for new players (different loot amount dependable from player activity)
-Creates imbalance in current playing styles as this is a clear advantage for raiders.