Note Pad

Alright, I know some people may prefer to use their own notepads or whatever.... But I actually like using the notepad in-game.

My idea is that you integrate the notepad to be attached to the actual game pages rather than a separate page.

So it would be sort of like the alliance chat is, except it could be a drop down or any sort of side note pad located on the right hand side where nothing else is. It can either be moved to a new location or left in its spot just like the alliance chat... The only thing is that I would like it to hold as many characters as the actual in game notepad does. It would have the ability to be open on any and all pages, of course it would probably require saving before hand.... But in the Galaxy page, you should be able to switch system to system and galaxy to galaxy without too much hassle


|Left Hand Menu| |Zorg Game Page| |Note Pad|


Sort of like that.... Any other additional things guys and gals? Anyone like the idea?

Re: Note Pad

yea this would make it easier and more accessible for things such as my management or Recuitment letters.

+2x(x-435)^2+100 from me XD(upvoted,,,i think, i dont know if the answers positive or negative XD)
All war is Brutal, and I will master it all