Re: asymmetric warfare(surviving an alien invasion)

Short-term Strategy: Nuclear bombardment of beachheads, as well as the use of nasty chemical agents, and en masse mining of areas in front of the aliens.

Guerrilla warfare, EMP attacks to freeze enemy hardware, and, once we get enough corpses, biological agents, preferably evolutions of Ebola and the common cold.

NOTE: These are ground war strategies.... I got nothing on the space front.

"Steal from one and you are a thief. Steal from all and you are the government"

Re: asymmetric warfare(surviving an alien invasion)

well if we are assulted by aliaen forces i would assume they did their homework and tatically destroyed all major bases and nuclear facilities that could pose a threat...First we would need to find out our enemys weakness...we would have to learn about them...then we should engage them in a combanation of Gurilla warfare(by Militias and special forces) and large scale operations by normal military means...

Re: asymmetric warfare(surviving an alien invasion)

Good post Schnitter.

An alien invasion can take on many forms.
They could be so far advanced and with intentions on just annihilating our entire planet. Sitting outside the solar system and sling asteroids at us, we could do nothing.
Or they could have a "graviton" type weapon and destroy the whole planet.

Another scenario could be human enslavment and through mind control not much we could do but try to resist. It would depend on how advanced they are.

And finally they may already be here, disguised. Assimulating themselves into our world and not much chance of stopping that one either.
Or even worse maybe an alien virus or disease is frozen under the ice caps and through global warming we will release it on ourselves.

All of these reasons are why we need to build an ark type space ship with automated labs and terraforming systems to colonize other worlds giving our species a greater chance for survival.
Making a new world full of clones.
I'll take 96.875%

Re: asymmetric warfare(surviving an alien invasion)

If the aliens had some sort of super weapon that could annihilate earth in one hit, and this was their backup plan if the invasion failed then the following could be a plan. (its based on the future when we have more advanced tech).

Nuclear weapons could stop the attack however these have been destroyed. We now have no chance whatsoever of resisting the attack. Therefor to save the planet we must fake our extinction.

The entire human population would be moved to undetectable underground bunkers.

Robots drones that look identical to humans would be used as a last ditch battle. The battle will fail and the drone ships will self-destruct. The aliens will think they have defeated mankind. Not knowing that we are actually living underground.

Whilst underground, we regroup and re-arm. Nukes and Ships are mass produced.

Mankind re-surfaces and sets off in search of a new home, whilst millions of nukes are detonated below and above earths surface, wiping out the alien racea

Re: asymmetric warfare(surviving an alien invasion)

The question is more about how advanced and numerous our invaders are and what there motivations are. In the movies the aliens are always one extreme or the other. They're either all force or all finesse. In the first case we outsmart them, nullify their technology and defeat them in valorous combat. In the later a select few heroes defeat the insidious threat and the world is saved. In reality we'd be fighting both.

Look at the military options of a country like the US and project it forward. Subversion, assassination, counter-intelligence, heavy weapons, and specific assets for every part of the battlefield. If they want to exterminate us, they will. Just like the US could defeat any other nation, if we abandoned all sense of morality.

It is likely that long range space travel would occur by bending space or traveling extra-dimensionally. Faster than light travel is great for the movies, but in reality just isn't an option. A civilization capable of mounting an attack would have to have at least a hundred years on us and perhaps 10 times the economic capacity. Face it, it takes a lot to produce a planetary invitation force. The Star Wars creators estimated that a late model imperial star destroyer would equal the economic output of an entire planet for a year.

Most likely our nemesis would have already colonized other bodies in their solar system simply because it would be cheaper and quicker. Even if folding space is cheap you've still got to carry everyone. That puts them at a potential population of around 10 trillion. That of course assumes something roughly human in culture.

Next is an issue of finding us. Once the aliens learned to fold space and decide the need to expand they'll have to start probing the universe. Unless they happen to find us on the first shot, it's going to take a while. There're a hundred billion stars just in the Milky Way. So odds are, when they find our pretty little Earth, they've had some experience and know their business.

The only likely, if you can call it that, scenario where we have a chance is if the aliens are desperate and have to move quickly to take over our world as theirs is dying.
Outside the box? What box?

Re: asymmetric warfare(surviving an alien invasion)

love ur analysis flapper.....
alien invasion...
if there ever is 1 i think we are screwed...
if they intend to destroy the whole planet..well there's like nothing we can do about that..if they intend to invade...they would probably do this..
i just hope its not an alien asking to know how to kill us..
1,take out our communication and this solar flare thing....very good cover..while all nations are preparing against electrical surges and throwing money into new types of transformers...they kill our sats..we'd probable think it was the flare...then take us out..
plan B
2,take out and defensive or inspirational building...our 7 wonders, the white house, temples, air bases, army barracks..the entire 9 yards..just kill it from space...kill our moral and will to fight...terror will be spread by the news and soon the entire population will bend to their new leaders..
plan C
3..i'd plan spies and sleepers..they would make the Governments fight themselves and in all the choas..i'll emerge and kill the last guy standing...
plan D
i'd plant a super human..u know like that smart girl who started reading at 8 months..she'd use china who can create any thing in a limited time range...use em to make a device that will be so useful(something more useful than the mobile phone), majority of the planet would use it..a couple of years later..she'd activate the real objective and it takes over our mind and freezes out neural impulses{something like nanites}..and we'll just watch as our planet is taken over by external forces...(i think this would be my favorite limited causalities on both sides and a planet richer)
5.i'd send a small army created for the purpose of total destruction to earth...after they've plagued earth for a while and we about to use nukes against em..the real invaders would show up and give us help...we will see em as our heroes..
now they could leave immediately and leave us to try and pursue diplomatic relations with them..all a trick cause when we do...leave the entire plan to ur imagination..
or they could ask to help us by giving us weapons and helpers...and choosing between nukes and help...i think we would willingly open ourselves...and boom they win.

or they could just concentrate fire on our strongest concentration of military hard ware and troop who have revealed themselves during the decoy's raiding..{of course u all know that the weapons we have seen publicly might not be the only ones in existence} now the would know where those weapons are and hit em or take them over..

u all know this is a simulation...

Re: asymmetric warfare(surviving an alien invasion)

Nice topic.

If I'm invading some planet my first objective is to know what I want:
-just Earth for minerals
-people and minerals ( not likely they would need us for that, maybe just for exploration)

So let start.

1. Alien tactic-mineral:
We know that Earth atmosphere protect us from sun and radiation. We also know that ozone O3 can be destroy easily from our own technology and if there is no protection from sun, everything dies, no air that can be produce. So I would destroy ozone layer, wait until all are dead or almost dead, then start with mining.

2. Alien tactic -people and minerals (destroy O3 is not an option, they want to rule us)
We are mammals, which means we radiate heat, which means we are traceable and if u are traceable u are predictable. First I would kill sat comm. In all past wars blitzkrieg war is most effective so, All important bases, on land and sea hits first. "I study Earth past and saw that they do not bow to anybody( in France they let Germans in and then they kill them slowly) so that means no meeting with Earth leaders to form a peace until no more resistance".
All big forces on Earth( USA,China,Russia,France,UK) they relay on tech equipment, like I sad destroy sat all crushes. Even if they manage to send some troops EMP burst can kill them all( also exist now so Alien have them also)

Now let see what Earth can do.
Earth tactic:
For alien O3 destroy we dont have a chance, to fast would happen, but I don't think that they want just that.

Now second tactic is "good" for us.

Messing with technology is always tricky, can be spotted and prevented because they wont attack until they test it. Also every military forces that want to conquer all planet would be spotted by some kid or some random search for some star or picking comm from them.
But let assume that we didn't spot them. Our primary bases are destroyed and people know that we are in war, against who doesn't mater, then fought enough war in past to not care about that. War is war.
Every country will try to defend itself.
No mater how good or better they are in technology to defeat us they must use ground and air forces. Just one lucky hit and everything can change in our favor. Like in any war ( German almost invented jet propulsion and atomic bomb before allies, if they didn't stop them....)

My conclusion is:
If alien attacks us they better do it fast because if they fail, there is no way they can beat us.
Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments...