Moon Redirection Tactic

Hypothetical scenario:

A strong, or a strong enough, player is in bound to one of your moon with the intention of popping it. For arguments sake, lets just say this player has already weighed the numbers and determined the exact amount of RIPs needed to pop your moon. With insufficient forces needed to protect the moon, or jump the fleet, it looks as though you might be loosing a moon. Once again, lets just say for the sake of the argument that the moon's planet is boasting a hefty sized shell that might be able to take the incoming fleet. Seeing as you already accepted the fate of your moon, you figure you might as well take the players RIPs with it and try and get a slice of the DF. Seconds before reaching the moon, you abandon the colony stationed there. The RIPs, no longer on the way to a moon, are now redirected on a collision course with your planet. Unable to react in time, the opponent rams his RIPs into your planet and looses the entire fleet. You, expecting this outcome and prepared for it accordingly, already have recyclers on the way to the DF.

You gave up, what you would have lost anyways, to snag the opponents fleet and even a chance to come out with some dough.


Thought this up after I had one of my moons was unfortunately popped. The player, who is well experienced and knowledgeable, had sent multiple destroy waves to my moon. Three, to be exact. On the second wave, the first was unsuccessful, my moon was destroyed. The player, for reasons unknown, did not recall the third wave. This third wave was redirected towards my planet and consequently crashed right into it. The fleet was destroyed and a DF was formed.

Not to sure if this is actually implemented, or known, but it sounds like a solid tactic if your going to be loosing your moon and are capable of taking the attacking force with the defenses stationed on your planet.

I am also uncertain as to the whole "possible" part of this. :? So forgive me if this was all for nothing... :oops:

Thoughts :?:

Re: Moon Redirection Tactic

I'm not sure about this but I think abandoning a moon leaves a ghost and will not disappear until 48 hours has passed. All fleet and res will remain on the ghost moon.
So the only way to do what you are thinking is to have an ally beat the incoming RIPs in destroying your moon.
Again I'm not sure if moons leave a ghost if it has been abandoned.
Seasons end.

Re: Moon Redirection Tactic

hmmm.. well you could try it but you would be playing right into the hands of the attacker..
destruction of the moon is what the attacker wants and you are just helping his cause..
if you have invested substantial amount in res building JG,phlanx,lunar base etc.. then destroying the moon amounts to foolishness.. remember that attacking the moon itself may result in the destruction of the rips.. and sometimes the moon just refuses to get destroyed.. not too long ago i did what some people called plain stupidity.. and this resulted in me incurring the wrath of one of the most powerfull players in the game{a player i respect a lot} and waves of rips were sent to destroy a couple of my moons but the moons refused to budge.. 6~8k moons.. around 10 missions i think.. so.. i think its not wise to destroy them..

War does not determine who is right - only who is left.

Re: Moon Redirection Tactic

Some players will destroy your moons even if you have not built anything on it.
Some higher ranked players will try to destroy a moon at the highest possible chance they can get. 100% for an 8.9 moon :roll:

You could try to ninja the attacker if he sends his RIPs on waves. The attacker may send an advanced fleet just a sec before the waves of RIPs hits the moon if he thinks he might get ninja'd.
Or the attacker might just completely withdraw if he feels something is amiss.

You can insert your moon redirect tactic up there too. ;)

It would be a game of Rock Paper Paper Rock. :D

Top players would usually destroy moons only to reveal fleets. ...when you are offline. :P

But back on the main question...
Yes your hypothetical scenario is possible.
-DT- wrote:it sounds like a solid tactic if your going to be loosing your moon and are capable of taking the attacking force with the defenses stationed on your planet.
I'll just change it to "it sounds like a solid tactic if loosing your moon is worth the "possible profit" if the combat happens in the planet instead.
Seasons end.

Re: Moon Redirection Tactic

If you think you are going to loose the moon, meaning a high chance of destruction of or around 100%, then the buildings and investments are already gone. It's is just a matter of the RIPs following through it the mission. If you already lost the battle, why not attempt to come out with so resources as well?

Re: Moon Redirection Tactic

When do you try to abandon the moon? 1 minute before the attacker hits the moon? 30 sec? 10? 1 sec?

Attacker might withdraw at around 3 sec or less if he is confident with his connection. So who hits the abandon or recall button first? Or is it just a bluff? Will he recall, will he abandon?
Seasons end.