Re: Suggestions Priority

I've got one. The Elite recycler. Compared to its predecessor, the recycler, lower cost of production and also offering more recycling ability. That's great. But they are both of the same speed. I'm just thinking, making the elite recyler a little bit faster would do us a lot of good.

Re: Suggestions Priority

These are the 3 that I would like implemented this month and they are all approved. ;)

[Approved]One extra max button for all fleets in Jump gate.
[Approved]New Fleet transport option - Pick up
[Approved] A new button in espionage reports - Recycle link in esp reports

Re: Suggestions Priority

Torgard wrote:These are the 3 that I would like implemented this month and they are all approved. ;)

[Approved]One extra max button for all fleets in Jump gate.
[Approved]New Fleet transport option - Pick up
[Approved] A new button in espionage reports - Recycle link in esp reports
Plus one

Re: Suggestions Priority

Torgard's suggestions would all be welcome additions.

The annoying white screen flash upon page change was eliminated in Massacre, could we get that fixed in the other universes as well?

...And I know it's a lot to hope for, but I'm still waiting on that new universe. ;)

Re: Suggestions Priority

1) I'd really like to see that new universe. I know those things take time though.

2) Could production in standard be raised?

3) It's a minor thing but I think it would be nice if there was a total button that calculated your hourly, daily, monthly, etc production from your mines and displayed it for you to see. this would be useful so that people don't have to add up hourly production from 10-20 planets individual to make sure they aren't violating the milk rule.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.
Sun Tzu

Re: Suggestions Priority

These are the suggestions i posted in the past and they were approved.

1: Select all ships button at JG
2: Auto refresh alliance chat

I hope the dev team really implements them this time
Walk with THA swagger!