New Server, Self Funding, Finite Time Limit... Contuniation

As per oz's topic, and his last comment, I would like to reopen the discussion.

I'll mainly focus on the topic to having a time limited server, which is 'reset' every 1/2/3/6 months. I'm not going to comment on P2P vs F2P for now.

- Allowing new players, to start on par with the experienced players.
- - Thus giving the newbies chance to join an actual ally, with the old dogs, which they eventually train them.

- Allowing more stable game updates, and for the updates, not to affect the current gameplay and tactics (like in massacre).
- - This also allows for "experimental" rounds, which could be on the "proof of concept" basis - only the ones accepted by the community to eventually get into the perma server (not including ZE Staff, since they have the call to what would make it in the experimental rounds

- Allowing players to experiment more with different tactics

- Players won't be able to dominate a server for years (that actually should be a "pro", not a "con").
- Players could potentially skip to the next round, when they lose their fleet.

Extras, I would like to see there:
- No account swap/switch/whatever... You play with what you've built.
- Generals.
- No attacks/ scans against ones' own alliance & friendlist.
- 24 hour "deathmatch" after the final ranking is taken.
- Fleet in air to be counted as points.
All you need is a SickMind and a healty body.

Re: New Server, Self Funding, Finite Time Limit... Contuniat

With the rewards, that are currently in place - I think that will be different.

Having 3 tourneys in 4 years made them more undesirable if you ask me. The MAJOR problem I see - Generals is also each and every time placed in the month, that MOST people go on summer vacation. Why start a 1 month race, when you'll be blue during half of it?

P.S.: This is NOT a Generals topic, there are few topics for it.
All you need is a SickMind and a healty body.

Re: New Server, Self Funding, Finite Time Limit... Contuniat

DoctorWho wrote:With the rewards, that are currently in place - I think that will be different.

Having 3 tourneys in 4 years made them more undesirable if you ask me. The MAJOR problem I see - Generals is also each and every time placed in the month, that MOST people go on summer vacation. Why start a 1 month race, when you'll be blue during half of it?

P.S.: This is NOT a Generals topic, there are few topics for it.

This so true. I missed about 5 days of Generals, and am flirting with top 30. I prefer the beach to ZE, so I just left my account open and let people farm me. One month isn't an ample amount of time to prove who the best is. It is like a company that would invest millions on a new product just because a single test group was favorable....

TLDR; Generals needs 3 months of time. Run twice a year