Re: New Universe Discussion

what i mean is , if that military base can be destroy by any ship , where do the fleet land , and then if that destruction with aim to lanx fleet , how can we lanx the empty space

so if we fs from military base to somewhere else , and then our military base are destroyed , what happen to our fleet ?

and about what i mean we cant attack empty space , even we know there is fleet on military base ruin , how can we attack empty space?

Re: New Universe Discussion

Rjsturgill wrote:I like the idea, but the base amount of colonies you can build on, would have to be determined based on the speeds in the universe. If it is similar to speed universe, I would suggest making it 10 colonies, if it's faster, 5 wouldn't be bad, if it's slower, more is better. Also, you'd need to be able to get moons on such bases, or make fleet movement from them hidden from lanx. If it's hidden from lanx, these military bases should be treated much like moons, where they can be destroyed.
i take that point from rj posting :)
when that military base are on planet slot , u cant destroy it , right?

Re: New Universe Discussion

Once again, my apologies. I did miss that, thank you for pointing it out. Now I can really understand your point.

I think in this case, the base can be destroyed even though the world still exists. As is the case now, you can still launch and travel to a world whether a base exists or not. The downside is that if the base is destroyed then the fleet would be trackable via the phalanx. I think the base in this case would be treated in much the same way as other defence weaponry or small or large shield domes. The world would still be there.

Re: New Universe Discussion

Actually, now that I think about it, it sounds interesting to have an option of a separate slot for a Military Base that can be destroyed: if you let your MB get popped, any fleets going to the MB either has the extra deuterium stocked in its cargo to redirect it to the nearest friendly planet, or is lost because it doesn't have enough fuel to go somewhere else.
That brings up a second point: If your fleet is moving from some location to a moon, and that moon is popped while your fleet is in space, what happens to the fleet?
Member of Allied Habitable Space

Re: New Universe Discussion

i have heard of cases where a fleet is sent to attack a planet (which disappears) in which case, the travel times remain the same, and the fleet just "does not find anything" iirc

when a moon is destroyed, but a planet remains, i believe the fleet is sent to the planet instead. if the planet is also gone, then that would presumably be like the first case i mention.
RL has been a b****. maybe for once I can stay around long enough to make a name for myself...

~the V-mode Fleeter~

Re: New Universe Discussion

how about adding a pirate feature where the game will randomaly raid player according to percentage of their points. and maybe make allaince wars to actullly mean something. as it sits no one wars yet reading the forums wars is one of the best things (before it got lop sided) also u see the top players all huddle together and never attack each other which limits the help they give new players. maybe like at the declaraction of a wr between 2 allainces each side places a amount of res into a idk something and the winner of the war recives the spoil. each allaince has a button where they can donate res to the allaince bank to use in times of war to pay. or maybe they can even take some out of the bank to help a alince mate that was crashed. they can also use the res to build allaince buildings etc. makes members be more allaince focused i think. if u allaince wants to grow it has to work together all must contribute