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I'm not the biggest ruby user. I am certainly not one to use imperial support, at least, to any great degree. I have used it previously. . Now, I know how it works, the bigger your mines, the levels you're at, the more Imperial Support increases. But, this is the simple question. Is there a limit to the amount of resources that rubies can buy in a single. one off transaction?

Simple question, forgive my ignorance.


I’m pretty sure there is a max cap on this, though I know the way Imperial Support works varies a bit by server. I know this is discussed somewhere else in the forums, but it seems the search function isn’t working at the moment (I got a “high server load” error... hopefully this is temporary.)

I just checked, and my numbers on Speed are 20M, 10M, 5M. The round numbers and the fact that I haven’t seen them change in a long while as far as I can recall also seems to suggest a cap.