To Vent

Get out your problems, your inward thoughts and anger. Doing it hear won't hurt anybody and it'll help.

Mr. K,

I love you. I hate you. You saved my life twice and I promised you I'd protect every single one of them until I died when you left. You saved my life....saved it again....I should always love you....and yet I can't stand the anger that burns inside of me when I think of your face or hear your name. How long have you been gone now and not said anything to me; or to THEM? I could understand that you could forget me, my name, my life; but THEM? Spare them, if anyone, because they love you too, and all they've wanted is the best for you. Yet you're silent. You sit in your cozy new home in your perfect, new, little town as we freeze up here, literally and emotionally, because of your isolation and your walls that you had no problem in making. "Here's my new phone number," you said, yet it's out of order. "Here's my facebook," you said, yet you haven't checked it in months. Do you care? Is your new family our replacement now? Do you care about my promise, about my oath, about my damn vow that I've been keeping for YOU? You've forgotten. I'm so sick that you're so happy...And I know it's terrible for me to be, but I am. I wish you cared.

_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: To Vent

Yes, indeed I do. But I'm going to feel a whole lot worse if I'm the only one who uses the "write a letter and don't send it" tool to get my feelings out in this forum....can you say embarassment??? So now, dear sir, quite frankly I feel like an idiot. :lol:
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: To Vent

There are those who feel that venting about a non-venue related issue to be somewhat lacking in value. Others might even see it as an attempt to generate drama. While I'm certainly not making any judgments, I must say that crying in our virtual beer amongst pseudo-anonymous peers is something I probably won't engage in.

Re: To Vent

don't feel like that Gale i only wish this was here sooner.
i tried to drink sorrow away,i tried to drink pain away didn't help oh well if this was been here a bit sooner it would have been a long long text.
well i just locked my up drank and when i was drunk i went to fight thats all.
so don't feel like that im sure some others will use this

Re: To Vent

Slash wrote:There are very few problems that can't be handled through the proper application of a high explosive.
As the size of an explosion increases the number of social situations it cannot solve approaches zero.

Re: To Vent

Slash wrote:There are very few problems that can't be handled through the proper application of a high explosive.

He's right sis, besides, you know you can always call me when you are down.

Re: To Vent

Kabal wrote:He's right sis, besides, you know you can always call me when you are down.

Thanks, bro, I appreciate it. ;) (Don't let this soft moment get to any of you guys' heads! -.-)
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________