Search found 16 matches

Re: Jedi Order Recruiting

Now 4 members strong!

One had been booted for inactitivity, but was quickly replaced, and now another has joined.

Still accepting applications...

Also accepting NAPS, and Allies for any Alliance leaders who find this page.

Re: Growing Alliance

ouch, i got burned...and you both make sense...i guess then it's only right to apologize then for being an %#$hole, i kinda lose my temper from time to time and i shouldn't take it out on others.....and um, actually i had hoped the Jedi Order was already established, but it wasn't so i started it my...

Re: Growing Alliance

going away from my english, yes i have been trying to build relations with others that play the game, and we're truthfully goin off topic, i'm looking for help getting word of my alliance out, not what makes an alliance. also, have any of you even gone to my alliance page in the game? what in there ...

Re: Growing Alliance

You, sir, are destined for failure. 1. I've known that since i was born, doesn't mean i'm not gunna try. 2. i could read neoshagrath's post fine, and although you could not have known i'm a cook, your metaphor makes alot of sense to me...presentation is everything... 3. Technically you didn't tell ...

Re: Growing Alliance

i was never any good at english, math was my speciality...besides i try to get as much done in as little amout of time as possible, if that means using txt talk to help achieve this so be it...also how i type shudn't be the concern of others, ever hear the term don't judge a book by it's cover...the...

Growing Alliance

I was wondering if any1 could help me on how i could grow my Alliance...i posted a topic in the alliance recruiting part of the forums, but it doesn't seem to help, not many ppl get the message, and i've sent numerous PMs but to no there something i'm doing wrong?

Re: How?

ok, but that doesn't help with solar sats...some1 can espionage me see i have mad sats and go "OH! free resources, his puny defences are no match for me Mwuhahahahaha"...i don't see anything but VM to help and that's assuming i can even get to the amount of resources needed to make that amount...*si...


I don't understand how a person is supposed to build up a fleet when everytime i get close to having nearly 100 of several different units sum other clan comes and destorys all of my fleets with 3000 BS and then recycles all of the debris field while i doesn't seem fair that, sum1 i can't...

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